But I'm not a writer. I wish I could go on t.v. and yell at the top of my lungs that we are in a national crisis, but I'm not a celebrity. I wish I could grab bush by his lapels and scream in his face, but I can't get near the man.
I wish I could stop all the death and destruction in Iraq but I can't. I wish I could bring all of our soldiers home to defend America, but I can't. I wish I could protect our sons and daughters from bush and his maniacs who want them to die for profits, but I can't.
I wish these evil, evil men would get out of our white house, but they won't. I wish they would listen to our voices, and stop the madness, but they won't.
I wish I could camp out on the white house lawn in protest with thousands of my friends, but I can't. I wish I could start a mighty anti war movement and get this nation back on the sane track, I wish I could get through to the bush lovers, I wish I could shut rush limbaugh up, but I can't.
I can't do a fucking thing about it. I can write my congressmen, I can vote, I can donate to a candidate, I can write letters to the editor, but I can't do a god damned thing about saving America from the Nazis. All I can do is bitch and moan and watch it all happen from a distance, impotent, invisible, like a ghost.
I wish I could stop any more soldiers from dying in vain. I wish I could talk them out of joining bush's military. I wish I could make their shattered limbs whole again. I wish I could bring them all back. I wish I could give them peace. I wish I could make the monsters who send them to die feel their parent's grief. I wish I could bring back all those uncountable thousands of innocent Iraqis.
But, I can't.
I'm the man who saw it all happening but couldn't do a fucking thing about it. I'm the Good German.