as a way to counteract the corporate $$$$ and influence. It's not really as complicated as it sounds and it needs more details/de-kinking.
Here's the gist of it: "Money Where Your Mouth Is" would in involve a phone call or email to key members of Congress letting him/her know how you want him/her to vote on a bill, amendment, or issue then making a small donation ($5, $10, $15, $20) within a day or two depending on their vote. The time frame is of a day or two keeps it tied to that vote and reinforces your voice is heard in Congress throughout the session--not just during campaign season.
For example: Yesterday there were several Democrats who voted NO along with many Republicans on the stem cell bill. The final tally did not result in a 2/3 majority vote. Imagine if a sufficient number of those NOs were made aware that their campaign coffers would be 'getting support' for speaking your voice! And likewise, informing them during the call that a 'NO' vote would result in 'support' for a named Congressperson who has stated they would be voting YES.
If only 100 voters took this action for the same elected official, that representative would see at least $500 for that one vote. It doesn't sound like much...but it has a huge impact over time.