that has ever been visited upon the face of the earth. Here is a guy, who in his youth was told he was "special" becuase his daddy and granddaddy were and granddaddy was special becuase he bought his son into Wall St. after making his fortune with Frick, et al. in the steel biz. There is nothing special about him, save his inablility to face the truth about himself: an adult who behaves as a spoiled child on the playground, getting a redo on every swing that doesn't connect the bat to the ball. This is a guy who thought his military oath was a joke, who has the audacity to attack the integrity of anyone who disagrees with him, who cuts taxes in wartime, who trumps up a war that is so far only leading to anarchy in a nation and rattle sabres at two states at peace with the United States (Iran and Syria), who winks at Israel and hobnobs with the worst tyrants in the Middle East, his soi-disant "royal" buddies the al Sauds and the Kuwaiti's al Sabbah clans. Someone who goes off to party with McCain and golf in San Diego when the head of the hurricane center warns him personally what the world saw: a hurricane stretching the entire length of the Gulf of Mexico from Mexico to well inland in the SE US. Is he stupid? Mentally ill? Personality disorder? Just a spoiled brat who never once had the other kids he was bullying gang up on him and give him a busted lip, nose and two missing teeth? I see little value in him as a person, little at all, and I try to see the good in everyone as a Christian, but I can't find it in him...no matter how hard I try. The coddling should end now. It should have ended about 55 years ago, but he ain't too old to get a metaphorical playground ass-whooping, we can easily gang up on him, and ignoring him, save for denouncing him is the best way to get him his long overdue comeuppance.