U.S. Contradicts Iraqi Foreign MinisterThe Associated Press
Friday, January 12, 2007; 6:37 PM
WASHINGTON -- U.S.-led forces entered an Iranian building in Kurdish-controlled
northern Iraq because information linked the facility to Revolutionary Guards and
other Iranian elements engaging in violent activities in Iraq, the State Department
said Friday.
Deputy spokesman Tom Casey said there was no truth to reports that Iran was
carrying out legitimate diplomatic activity at the site.
"It did not have the standing of a consulate nor did it have any other international
diplomatic standing to speak of," Casey said.
-snip-Casey's comments contradict Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, a Kurd, who
said Friday that the Iranians were working in a "liaison office" in Irbil that had
government approval and was in the process of being approved as a consulate.
-snip- Full article:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/12/AR2007011201742.htmlIranian Revolutionay Guards? Didn't the U.S. military describe the raid
as a "routine" security operation?