There are a few people quite happily laying the blame on US for this administration's misdeeds, as if we haven't been working against it from the beginning in whatever way we could. Sure, we could have taken it to the streets and not participated in any economic activity for the past several years, but most of us have responsibilities and can only do so much without ending up on the street permanently.
A lot of people were also frustrated by the lack of attention and lack of results during the warm up to the war in the first place. Millions of people showed up and NO ONE, including the corporate media, paid any attention whatsoever.
So we retreated to the internet and tried to get the message out that way. And you know what? It worked to a certain extent. Despite the fact that the corporate media backed up the neo-cons all the way, we were able to help turn the tide this last November. Now this administration has a far less complicit Congress--but for a few quislings (like Leiberman, for example) still in position.
I've been devoting my own personal talent to fighting against this bunch of lunatics since this all started. Many of you here have read my rants, and some have forwarded them on to their e-mail lists. I personally convinced several people to vote, and vote Democratic across the board this last election.
A lot of us here have gone to great lengths to fight the good fight...volunteering on campaigns, participating in GOTV phone banks, and otherwise doing what they could to try to turn this crazy train around.
Don't blame us. Lay the blame with this administration, the complicit Republican Congress, corporate lobbyists, the corporate press, the thoughtless and ignorant Republican base, and the millions of Americans who can't be bothered to pay attention.
Those of us who've stood in opposition, particularly in public opposition, do not deserve to be smeared with the same brush as these people, and I, for one, resent the hell out of anyone saying we do.
Screw that.