Dear Speaker Pelosi,
Is it time yet? Has Mr. Bush's latest disturbing, disconnected speech convinced you to act? Has his 60 minutes interview, in which he states his intention to ignore the will of Congress, shown you that he must be stopped?
Is it time yet for you to fulfill your constitutional duty -- to fulfill the charge given to you and your party in November? We didn't elect you to "play nice". We didn't vote for bipartisanship. Our vote was the only constitutional means left to us to stop the madman currently occupying the oval office.
Is it time yet for you to employ the constitutional methods available to you? You have, up to now, said that impeachment is "off the table". But is it still "off the table" if Bush presses forward with escalation of this illegal war? Is it still "off the table" as he sends another 21,500 servicemen and women to their deaths? If so, when will you put it "on the table"? When we are in a shooting war with Iran? Or perhaps not even then...
If it is "off the table" to remove this most incompetent, most criminal of regimes from power, when in your judgement would it ever be "on"? What does a president have to do to merit impeachment? This man has allowed our country to be attacked, lied us into a disastrous war, shredded the Bill of Rights and left an entire American city to drown. What else must he do for Congress to know what most of the American people now know: that we CANNOT afford another two years of this regime?
It is time. We the people have placed our trust in you and your party to pull this country back from the brink. Act now. Remove this bully and his regime from power. The American people will support you, the world will cheer you and history will thank you.