The greatest enemy that the people of the United States, and therefore the world, actually face is not the U.S. government, though god only knows it's enemy enough at this point, nor Iraq, nor Iran, nor Syria (regardless of what G.W. Bush and crew tries to tell us).
It's not even China, though they're likely to give us a great amount of trouble in the future.
No, our greatest enemy is, and will remain, the complely complicit U.S. corporate media. They are STILL playing along with Shrub and his cronies as if he actually has a plan other than raping and pillaging whole countries for the benefit of his corporate buddies.
I won't even address FOX News here...it's obvious that Dr. Dean was right when he called them the "propoganda arm of the Republican Party." They cannot, and will not, be reformed.
But the rest of them? Why is it that few, if any, of the major media outlets actually pick apart and analyze all of the assumptions and predictions made by the White House and the Republicans still on board this crazy train? Is it because nearly all of the news outlets are owned by rich war profiteers, and war sells quite well?
We can only wonder. Death and destruction follow in this administration's wake, and the complicit media follows along behind as if they were little more than vultures picking at the leavings of a great, mindless predator.
It's sick, and it's wrong, and the American people, along with the rest of the world, are being victimized by it all.
A Democracy is only as good as the information it receives. And so far we've received some pretty crappy information. The corporate media seems to have abandoned its journalistic integrity to become little more than mimics of what the White House wants to tell us. There's no objective analysis of the arguments.
I gave up on the corporate media several years ago...long before I ever found DU. I saw through the fearmongering, the political spin, and the lack of real information, and I simply gave up on it all. I'd had enough.
Nearly ALL the national news services are worthless. Completely worthless. They marginalize the opposition to this administration--not only war protestors, but those in the know who are trying desperately to get the word out.
Attacking the media should be, if not our greatest priority, then our second greatest. We should NEVER let people forget that they've turned away from their mission to become little more than cheerleaders and propogandists for a blindly destructive force that seems dead-set on plunging our whole world into war.
It's time we yelled "enough!" and loudly. They use our airwaves. We buy their fish-wrap. And while we complain about what they're doing, we do nothing to counteract it on a regular basis. It's time we did.
Say "NO" to the corporate spin.
We have no choice.