"Yes, we hate YOUR President... live with it"
For eight years we watched vicious attacks on a first family that had done nothing but try to serve the American people and bring justice to the world. Sure, they weren't perfect, but who is?
But now, while we watch what is arguably the WORST President in the history of our country shit all over our Constitution, the Geneva Convention, and everything it means to be an American, the only thing you have to say is to call us Bush haters.
Well, no shit. We've been "misled" into war, participated in the slaughter of countless civilians, sent 2500 hundred of our soldiers to the Great Beyond, practically crippled our armed forces, discovered that our President considers himself above any act of Congress, and are now being spied upon IN OUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY while all too many people shrug and say "so what?."
What's to hate?
You people make me sick. Every one of you Bush apologists is a hypocritical gasbag of monumental proportions. If a Democratic government did 1/10 of these things, you'd be up in arms. Hell, you'd be calling for mass assassinations.
All we want is his impeachment. Clinton lied about sexual indiscretions. Bush lies about EVERYTHING. Yet you seem to consider him above reproach.
What's wrong with you people cannot be fixed. Therapy would be like a bandaid placed over a knife-wound to the belly. We used to think you were simply deluded. Maybe a bit confused.
No, I think now that you're clinically insane. Too crazy to be allowed to vote. You'd vote for a rabid pitbull if he could be taught to speak like a human being. As long as he mouthed the right catch-phrases.
Sure, maybe Bush wouldn't be a bad guy to sit down and have a beer with. But YOU would be picking up the tab. Or maybe you could just defer it to your children and grandchildren. That's the gist of his economic policy, after all. Play now, pay later.
You call us traitors because we don't like Bush?
Fuck you. Look in the goddam mirror. EVERY principle on which this country was founded is but a hurdle for this asshole to jump. He has about as much respect for America as he did for the population of New Orleans when Katrina was bearing down on them. Which is is to say... NOT THE SLIGHTEST BIT.
"America...Love it or leave it." Remember when that was thrown in the faces of those who dared to stand up to oppressive government in the past? We do. You know what? We know who REALLY hates America and all she stands for. YOU PEOPLE. Every last one of you who still think Bush walks on water and turns water into wine. Why don't YOU just get the hell on a boat and get the fuck out of our country?
We don't want you. We don't need you. And we're sick and tired of listening to your stupid excuses.
We don't care where you go. Just go somewhere where you can't fuck up our country anymore. And take your dumbass President with you. We'll even throw you a going-away party.
Bon Voyage, you stupid bastards. Write when you find work.