I think he'd be delighted that there was a black senator from Illinois and a black governor from Massachussets.....And disgusted that such huge gaps in income, education and health between people of different races still exist.
I think he'd be delighted that discrimination based on race, sex and religion are illegal....and disgusted that constitutional amendments to write discrimination based on sexual orientation into the law have been used for political purposes.
I think he'd be delighted that John Conyers is still in Congress kicking butt..... and disgusted that the likes of Trent Lott can still win an election.
I think he'd be delighted that the Vietnam War had finally come to an end..... and disgusted that it was happening all over again in Iraq.
I think that he'd be delighted that a woman, a black man and a Latino man were among the potential presidential candidates..... and disgusted that it hadn't happened yet.
I think he'd be delighted by the worker protections and gains made by unions over the years.... and disgusted at the attempts to take them all back.
And I think he'd be making plans to march in Washington D.C. on Jan. 27.......