Edited on Sun Jan-14-07 04:01 PM by Mythsaje
Now that the whole Iraq debacle has ended up just as bad as we expected it would, and most of America is opposed to continuing on the same insane course, we're getting rumblings from none other than that Lord of the Sith, Darth Cheney, that WE'RE the ones screwing things up.
Never mind that it was a bullshit war in the first place. That they had no reasonable excuse for launching the invasion in the first place. That the "evidence" that Saddam had WMDs was apparently fabricated.
Never mind that every single step past the initial stages of the war has been a serious misstep. I mean, they disbanded the whole military and tried to put another one back together from scratch! They closed down Iraqi businesses and left millions of people out there without any source of income. They turned loose American corporations rather than giving Iraqis a stake in their own economy.
Iraq had nothing to do with the so-called "War On Terror" until WE invaded. Let's not forget that. If failure there will cause problems in the overall WOT, it's THEIR fault. It was an unnecessary adventure in Imperialism, doomed to failure because of a total lack of foresight on the part of those who planned and executed it.
It's almost as if this whole thing has been the work of a particularly stupid race of aliens, unable to even grasp the consequences of its actions, or to actually look at ways to repair the damage it's done.
Our fault? I think not, Darth Cheney. YOUR fault, and the fault of your inept advisors. WE are not responsible for your failures, your complete lack of sentient decision-making abilities. You learned nothing from that last failed war--you know, the one you and your alleged "boss" manage to avoid?
The whole lot of you are morally and intellectually bankrupt, with less decision-making ability than your average baboon.
This has gone on quite long enough, you miserable excuse for a human being. You don't belong in government. You don't even belong as part of the human race. Go back to where you came from, and take your whipping boy with you.
We're done.
To quote another marginal human being. "You're fired."