I used to frequent the Starbucks in the Highland Park Village. So did my neighbor Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynn, when he was CEO of Halliburton (Cheney drove a tacky Elderado!). I kind of knew Cheney from my days of covering the Pentagon for an international aviation news magazine during Gulf War-1 (any old footage of the Pentagon press room GW-1 briefings will show me sitting, usually, between Katie Couric and Wolf Blitzer .. I digress). Cheney never liked me for the depth of my questions (ex-mil combat pilot, airline pilot, aviation/space writer).
On the morning in question, I decide to drive my restored 1965 Porsche 356C coupe to Starbucks. On the back window was a
TEXAS DEMOCRAT bumpersticker and a
GREENPEACE sticker. I parked and went in Starbucks. There sat Dick and Lynn. Nobody else seemed to know who they were. Cheney saw me get out of the 356 (he was sitting facing the widow where I parked). He looked at me with that expression of
where-the-hell-do-I-know-you-from?. I nodded. Lynn continued to eat her morning bowl of lightly toasted and sugared black scorpions (I joke, I hope). I got my coffee and scone and went
al fresco at a table on the sidewalk in front of my car, with my dog Sirius, and opened my latest
Liberal Opinion magazine.
A bit later the Cheney luvbugs came out at the door next to me. Cheney nodded and said "Nice car." I said, "thanks." He looked at and in it as he made his way toward his land-yacht. As he walked on behind the Dolphin Gray Porsche he took one look back at the rear of the car. I thought the MoFo was going to have the big one! What a beautiful sight when the Dickster realized that the subversive liberals had invaded his turf.
I have posted this story before, but this seemed like good time to re-tell. I hope, too, that you have read my accounts of training dear Sirius (died 8/25/2005) to poop in Cheneys yard. These might just be fodder for a great book!
Sweet Sirius, Bane of Cheney!