People speak of different regions of the country having different values, like Midwestern values or Southern Values.
I'm a Californian, and I've lived here pretty much my whole life. I have taken trips out of the state, but California is my home. Even though there are areas where Californian values differ from Western values, I think there's a lot of common ground between the two.
Californians have a pretty strong connection to the outdoors. Even people who live in the city frequently go to the park, the mountains, or the beach. Whether you're a farmer, an environmentalist, or a hunter, Californians like the outdoors.
We're a little bit libertarian. On issues like gay rights, marijuana, or other topics, most people I know are pretty happy leaving their neighbors alone. Most of us, even the liberals, don't really trust government to do what's right or make good decisions on behalf of the people.
Californians are pretty curious about other parts of the world, like Asia and Latin America. We like foreign food, and sometimes foreign movies and art work, but we don't always like foreigners themselves. We're also curious about Native Americans. We indulge this curiosity at our local casinos. :P
Most Californians that I know are spiritual, but not religious. There are also many Californians that are VERY religious, though. Faith is usually a pretty personal matter.
We're not very neighborly, which is lame. I have only ever lived in one place where I knew more than one or two of my neighbors. People have really varied interpretations of what family means to them, with some people basically disowning their relatives and other people very close to their relatives.
Californians can be a bit snotty and insular, especially people from the Bay Area and LA. If you move inland, people are a little more laid back and folksy.
So what do you think are the general values where you come from?
(This is not a region bashing thread, just a thread to promote discussion and learning. :) )