His name is Stephen Hanchett and he ROCKS!
http://isbushantichrist.blogspot.com/I don’t know what’s worse – listening to the lies flowing out of Bush’s mouth like a backed-up toilet, or the media lining up like a French bidet to clean them up. Our media shills are so afraid ending up like Dan Rather, that if Bush started masturbating in the middle of his speech,(which he essentially did), the media would find a way to compliment him on his technique.
First off, and in spite of what the media keeps saying, Bush NEVER admitted to a single mistake, and he never will. What he said was, “mistakes were made”, implying others made them. He’s never personally admitted to a single one, and he never will. He always implies it’s other people who make all the mistakes, and he must put up with them. That’s what he’s always done from the ‘faulty intelligence’ from the CIA, which he distorted and lied about, to the recent lynching of Saddam Hussein, that our army and embassy wanted to stop, but Bush’s national security advisor (speaking for the president) personally gave the go-ahead, saying “We are not going to be their legal nannies.” Bush always screws-up, and then always blames somebody else.
Every bad decision has been Bush’s – and usually against the advice of all the experts, including the CIA, the State Department, and his generals. Yet he has NEVER taken responsibility for anything, and ALWAYS laid it off on others. As if that weren’t bad enough – now he takes credit for accepting the responsibility that he most certainly doesn’t accept or demonstrate.
To accept responsibility for the mistakes would mean – first and foremost – accepting responsibility for the mistake of going into Iraq in the first place, and finally getting our troops out. It would involve a willingness to accept the political fallout for his failure, which he will never do. It would mean bringing the troops home, regardless of what that might do to his legacy. But Bush has done the exactly opposite – it is our troops and our nation that must ultimately take responsibility and suffer the consequences for the mistakes he made and still refuses to admit. They are dying to save his face, and rescue his failed presidency. He insists that we suffer the consequences, so that he will never have to. What Bush calls taking responsibility = NEVER taking responsibility, but always taking the credit.
BTW:. Isn’t this about the umpteenth time he’s supposedly admitted his mistakes, without actually admitting to a single one, or changing his policy one iota? Just because Carl Rove has twisted the words ‘mistakes’ and ‘responsibility’ in another speech aimed at perpetuating the same mistakes without taking any responsibility, that doesn’t mean the media has to slavishly go along EVERY time. It’s getting to be like living in China during the Cultural Revolution: the more everything keeps falling apart, the more our glorious leader is exalted for virtues he never had, and never will.
Another thing that is particularly aggravating is how they keep saying, “this is Bush’s last chance.” Come again? This isn’t ‘Deal, or No Deal’ – we’re talking about human lives, not some TV game show. This president has been wrong about the war for four years now. So how exactly is this Bush’s last chance? Are NBC, ABC and FOX news all going to get together and ask him to resign when his latest miscalculation blows up in our face? Because he’s certainly not listening to anyone else. Congress, his generals, and the American public are done – they’ve given him enough chances already. But he’s still doing whatever he wants. That’s the point - he’s out of control. Yet our media enablers still want to give him another chance. Exactly how is screwing up again going to change anything, except for the worse? We’ve been down this road for four years now. Giving Bush one more chance is like giving a drunk lying in the gutter one more drink to see if he sobers up.
This isn’t Bush’s last chance – he’ll always find more ways to f-up and get more people killed. But it may be our last chance to try and stop him before he touches off another world war. That’s whose last chance it is: Not his - ours.
Giving Bush another chance is like giving Ted Bundy another chance to date women. They’re both homicidal maniacs and it makes just as much sense. While we’re at it, why didn’t we give Saddam Hussein another chance? So what if he killed half a million Kurds during his twenty year reign – that’s still less then the 655,000 Iraqis Bush has killed over the last three years. I just don’t understand why the media is so fired up to give Bush another chance to commit mass murder, and yet they never lobbied for giving Saddam one or two last chances as president of Iraq.
The other pet peeve is how Bush is allowed to lie over and over about establishing democracy in Iraq, when that will obviously never happen, and he is destroying our democracy in the process. Why is Bush allowed to portray himself as if fighting for democracy, when he obviously has a vehement hatred of the most basic democratic principals, and loves to play the dictator?
Democracy is defined as “government of the people.” It means the people have the final say in how the nation is governed – particularly over the most important matters like going to war. Democracy is NOT electing (or letting the Supreme Court appoint) a dictator who ignores the will of the people. That may be George Bush’s and Saddam Hussein’s definition of democracy, but it’s not the definition our media should endorse, which it does by not calling him on it.
It’s absolutely ludicrous for Bush to go on and on about fighting for democracy, while at the same time torturing people, opening our mail and bugging our phones without a warrant, and issuing signing statements like Papal decrees. To hear him talking about fighting for some non-existent and never-will-be democracy in Iraq, when he’s destroying our democracy and completely ignoring what over 70% of the American public fervently wants him to do, is just like living in an insane asylum. When is the media going to stand up and say Bush is so full of crap that if he took an enema he’d disappear with a loud fart?
In his speech, Bush defined the democracy he’s supposedly trying to impose on Iraq as one “that polices its territory, upholds the rule of law, respects fundamental human liberties, and answers to its people.” Wow! How about re-establishing that kind of democracy right here in the United States? How about that for a plan of action? Let’s look at the state of our so-called democracy, at least as George Bush defines democracy.
#1 “polices its territories” – Iraq is not an American territory, and Iraq was never a threat to America. What distinguishes a democracy from a totalitarian state is that democracies don’t go to war unless they have to. By lying to the public and going to war in Iraq, Bush acted as a dictator rather than a democratic leader.
#2 “upholds the rule of law” – Bush breaks the law on principal, just because he thinks he can get away with it. He would rather break the law even though he could get a warrant, because he wants to prove he’s above the law. It’s not just that Bush keeps breaking the law, it’s that he intentionally breaks down the rule of law to make himself more powerful than the law.
#3 “respects fundamental human liberties”- Bwaaaahaaaahaaa! As far as the right to privacy, it no longer exists in America - Bush has taken upon himself the right to open people’s mail, tap their phones and keep track of what books they read – all without any warrant or oversight. As far as habeas corpus – that’s gone too. The government can now pick anyone up without any charges and hold them forever without access to legal representation. As far as torture, Bush loves it. Call it his hobby.
#4 “answers to its people” – Here’s Bush’s answer to the American people last Wednesday: “I’ll do anything I want to anyone I want, anytime I want to. I'll attack any country I choose, waste your taxes and destroy your lives, run up the deficit and charge it to your grandchildren, and what's more, I don't give half a damn what you think about it.” That’s Bush’s definition of democracy. Always has been, always will be.
Note: I hope to be able to announce information about a new book I’ve written in about a week. Also, if any of the regular readers want this blog to link to theirs, send an email with the address to isbushantichrist@sbcglobal.net and I’ll include it.
posted by R. Stephen Hanchett at 3:05 PM