What "Clinton fatigue"? Nobody was sick of the competence, peace and prosperity Clinton brought us, we were sick of the damn Republicans harrassing him, sniffing at his crotch, etc., like some kind of big, thuggish dog that wouldn't go away. Then they stole an election and put the Twerp in the presidency. He has been tearing our country apart for six years now. Huge majorities say we are way off on the wrong track.
I think America has a very strong case of "Republican Fatigue" right now. Maybe that's why not a single Democrat was displaced by a Republican in the 2006 elections? The few Republicans that survived (my Republican congresscritter won by about 1000 votes) know that they are on notice and will likely go down in 2008, unless there is a major Republican move to get rid of Bush & Cheney. (Remember Nixon?)