Most people would know whether or not they were naked. But Emperor George, true to form, is clueless.
We've been told time and again that George W. Bush has no curiosity, relies on his gut instincts, and judges people by "looking into their souls." Perhaps these traits explain why he hasn't noticed that many in his own party have turned on him.
The Republicans got a wake-up call last November. But Emperor George is charging ahead as though nothing had happened.
So here's the point. The Dems alone cannot impeach and convict him. (Not to mention Cheney.) They need Republican support. And there's a possibility that there are enough Republicans in congress who still believe in democracy and the constitution. And if not, then you can bet that they believe in their own political survival.
We, as well as the rest rest of the world, can't allow Bush & Cheney to rule for another two years. That would be like leaving a child alone to play with nitroglycerin. Maybe, just maybe, there are enough Republicans votes in congress to see that they are impeached, found guilty, and removed from office.
I don't hold out any illusions that this will actually happen. But somehow, someway, this Emperor and his henchmen must be dragged away from the levers of power before they can do any more damage to us, or the rest of the world.
Any opinions? Or do we just go on hoping that a handful of madmen won't drive us off the edge of a cliff?