Senator McCain
I suppose you will get nominated by the Regressive party in 2008. First, I'm sorry that you have had to sit in prison and get abused and injured for years as well as your fellow men in Viet Nam.
However, as far as your service to America that does not qualify you to serve as President in my view. Honestly I have seen enough of the Herbert Hooverite party presidents since 1980. In my view Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Hoover Bush and George Warmonger Bush appeared disasters to this country. Yes, I did not care for Nixon either. What good does a soldier do when he fights for America over there and then comes home and votes Republican here?
America does not only elect a President, it elects a party. Your election would keep this uncompassionate Hooverite Regressive party in power blocking progressive action which we need to make capitalists act more compassionate. I believe in the capitalists system but not the Republican version of it.
I also do not want someone as you who have kissed the ring of Reverend Foulsmell to sit in the White House taking his and Gary Bauer's orders. I don't consider myself religious although my religion consists of treating a person with kindesss, unless they act unkind to many people on a large scale like Republican party leaders do. My religion also calls for government to help the middle class and the poor. I consider myself an unabashed and an unapologetic liberal.
Do you want my opinion of most Republicans? Most people who vote Republican love their family and friends, but that's where the love and compassion ends. I'm not saying Democrats act perfect but on the whole the Democratic party saved America in 1933 and in 1945 while the Hooverites let America crash towards depression doing very little. Imagine an administration doing nothing while Hurricane Katrina came along in 2005, well the Hoover administration started this trend decades ago.
You appear the political legacy of Herbert Hoover and I don't want to see you in the White House in 2008. If the Republican party goes the way of the Whigs I would not care. I'll take the Green party as an opposition party any day at least the Green party attempts to spur the Democratic party to act even more compassionate.
As for George W Bush, I consider him the second worst President of the US in history, with Hoover worst, Bush next and Nixon after Bush, and then Ronald Reagan and then George Herbert Hoover Bush.
Honestly the only good Republican Presidents died before 1930 and the Republican party should have died with them. Abe Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, both progressives. Eisenhower? Greatest General but mediocre president.
One more statement. You better get your fellow Republicans to stop calling my party the Democrat Party and begin calling our party the Democratic Party or I will continue to call your party the REPUBLIKLAN and the REPUBLICLOWN Party.
Good day Senator McCain.