Edited on Wed Jan-17-07 01:42 PM by noahmijo
I keep saying this because it's true. The mealy mouthed little punk coulda been a hero after 9/11.
He could've accepted the international help that was thrown to us left and right from our friends in Canada to our allies in France, Germany, Italy hell even Russia would've joined in on this job:
Catch Bin Laden.
As an armchair military person I always felt that wars are won only with good intelligence and key moves involving Special Ops-not reliance on just full blown kill em all invasions. Catching Bin Laden could've been done with secret intelligence gatherings, putting special ops from our allied nations and ours on the ground, infiltrations, recon, and ultimately at the most maybe just a couple of surgical strikes in the right places to take out the right people and ultimately wind up with Osama's body dead or alive.
Of course you have the Taliban to contend with, but again the right intelligence and tactics could arrange for their leaders to have "accidents" The Taliban pulled this off with many of its enemies most notably Ahmed Shah Massoud, longtime contact for the CIA during the Afghan-Russian war, and head of the Northern Alliance. What if a terrorist leader died and nobody quite knew how or why? how do you gather a storm of believers against an enemy that they do not know or understand? who killed our leader? was it the Americans? no maybe the French? whoever did it knew what they were doing and obviously know far more about you than you do them. That should've been the first lesson of 9/11.
The two primary problems as far as I can tell is for one Bush didn't give a shit about catching bin laden and never did (we all know the pipeline story I don't need to retell it here) and secondly this battleground which Al-Queda and bin Laden roam on isn't one you can just subdue with an invasion and a war of attrition-it's an environment of warlords, multiple conflicts, people are bought people are sold, loyalty is both firm and loose. This "we're going to liberate Afghanistan" was phony from the beginning because it is a nation that has always been inhabited by warlords, smugglers, thieves, murderers-THAT is the law in that nation with or without the Taliban. Wouldn't I like to see zero Taliban in that nation? sure so would everyone in that country who is not Taliban, but then what? it becomes a nation of peace and prosperity? nope another warlord would take over and the cycle would just continue.
So ultimately the sad truth is Bush could've worked with foreign leaders and our military and devised plans which involved primarily recon and rigidly planned tactics which would result in the long run getting the right people, keeping civilian casualties to an absolute minimum or zero if possible, no mass bombings of cities. It's sad to say but in a way that's a tactic the terrorists use- the sleeper cell no one is aware of is fully aware of its surroundings and has detailed information through extensive research and stealth jobs that it has pulled. If and when they strike what country do we invade? who are we supposed to be pissed at? what if they're not even middle eastern this time but they're smart enough to fool dumb leadership into invading a middle eastern country to get back at "them?"
As it is even with the facts out in the open Bush "decided" to invade Iraq - which if he wants to use a WW II comparison for this I'll give him one - what you did was when we were attacked by Japan and by default of the Axis treaty resulted in both Japan and Germany declaring on America, you decided to invade Russia. Russia is ruled by an evil dictator who is indeed dangerous, but the fact is they aren't the ones who attacked us-their enemy did.
I know critics of this OP might say well the best strategy is to get out of the middle east stop supporting Palestine, how do you know Al-Queda is behind 9/11, okay I agree with these sentiments and as far as PNAC being behind 9/11 I am of the opinion that I haven't seen total proof yet, but what does irk me is the fact that this administration and its PNAC masters were toasting when 9/11 occurred-they knew they'd get their wars and their pull now with the fear of the people at their disposal.
This was written solely with the idea that Osama and his Al-Queda followers were the ones behind 9/11 just for argument's sake. The fact that this administration did not take the approach I outlined in this OP in lieu of a half assed invasion and then a cut and run job to go invade Iraq makes me question more and more just how responsible Osama and Al-Queda were in fact responsible for the terrorist attacks on that day.
*Disclaimer* So far the most popular response I am getting is one that questions why I even think Bushie could ever have the capacity to be a hero-I never thought he did ever since he pulled the smear job on Ann Richards I thought he was a POS. I'm just saying that if only he did he could've transformed himself from drunk loser to hero that's all.