Edited on Wed Jan-17-07 06:03 PM by Buck Rabbit
Al Hakim's boys tn the Iraqi Army and Police Force. The ones the American Military can't seem to get trained when in reality they already are trained but simply have a different set of priorities and loyalties. The men in uniforms who come at night and take people away are more feared than the Mahdi Army by the Sunni bloggers I have read.
Frankly, Al Sadr was once called the good Shiite by the Sunnis for quite some time. His enemy was the Americans not the Sunnis and he was a Nationalist who didn't want Iraq to be a puppet state of Iran, America or any foreign power. But the Mahdi Army has been pulled into the sectarian fray as Sadr City has often been the target of sectarian violence, and it is loosely organized and not fully under his control.
If I were to guess at the best way to end the Sectarian violence it would roughly be:
1- Establish a phased 6 month time table for withdraw the bulk of American Military forces.
2- Disband the Iraqi Army and National police force.
3- Set up community policing with local residents protecting their own. Reassign the bulk of the now former soldiers to be policemen in their own neighborhoods without the right to carry ams outside of their districts.
4- Recruit a UN force to defend each community police district when attacked by outsiders.
5- Kick out the foreign contractors and pay local Iraqi employers for multitudes of small scale projects upon completion. (Create local jobs.)
Rough plan, but better than Bush's.