This is the totalitarian thinking Defense Dept official who castigated law firms for doing pro bono work representing detainees at Guantanamo Bay (everyone knows they're all guilty otherwise they wouldn't be there in the first place).
Law School Deans Criticize Pentagon Statement on DetaineesBy JOSH GERSTEIN
More than 130 deans of American law schools have signed a letter deploring a Pentagon official's statement criticizing major law firms for representing detainees at Guantanamo Bay.
The law deans wrote that they were "appalled" by an interview last week in which the Pentagon's point man on detainee affairs, Charles Stimson, said corporations should be disturbed by the law firms' pro bono work for detainees and might want to reconsider sending business to the firms involved.
"We find Secretary Stimson's statement to be contrary to basic tenets of American law," the deans wrote. "Our American legal tradition has honored lawyers who, despite their personal beliefs, have zealously represented mass murderers, suspected terrorists, and Nazi marchers…. In a free and democratic society, government officials should not encourage intimidation of or retaliation against lawyers who are fulfilling their pro bono obligations." the dumb schmuck, realizing he looks to all the world like the fascist stooge he is, issues a grovelling apology in the letters to the editor section at the Washington Post and tries to claim that he never took the position that he clearly did take, (i.e. claiming it was shameful for law firms to offer to represent the terrorists in Gitmo). It was all just a big misunderstanding.
Farkin liar.
(Thanks to for the tip)