IT'S NOT AN ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: IT'S A CHECK-LIST!"Our pride and our prayers are united behind our men and women in uniform... In this Congress we must work together to build a future worthy of their sacrifice...Hope -- That is what America is about... By electing me speaker you have brought us closer to the ideal of equality that is America's heritage and America's hope... It's an historic moment for the Congress... for the women of America. It is a moment for which we have waited over 200 years. Never losing faith, we waited through the many years of struggle to achieve our rights... Never losing faith, we worked to redeem the promise of America, that
all men and women are created equal. For our daughters and our granddaughters today we have broken the marble ceiling... now the sky is the limit...
The election of 2006 was a call to change, not merely to change the control of Congress but for a new direction for our country.
Nowhere were the American people more clear about the need for a new direction than in the war in Iraq. The American people rejected an open-ended obligation to a war without end. It is the responsibility of the president to articulate a new plan for Iraq that makes it clear to the Iraqis that they must defend their own streets and their own security, a plan that promotes stability in the region and a plan that allows us to responsibly redeploy our troops...
The American people also spoke clearly for a new direction here at home. They desire a new vision, a new America built on the values that have made our country great. Our founders envisioned a new America driven by optimism, opportunity and strength... They envisioned America as a just and good place, as a fair and efficient society, and as a source of opportunity for all.Now it is our responsibility to carry forth that vision of a new America into the 21st century.
A new America that seizes the future and forges 21st-century solutions through discovery, creativity and innovation, sustaining our economic leadership and ensuring our national security.
A new America with a vibrant and strengthened middle class for whom college is affordable, health care is accessible and retirement reliable... that declares our energy independence, promotes domestic sources of renewable energy and combats climate change... that is strong, secure and a respected leader among the community of nations...After years of historic deficits this 110th Congress will commit itself to a higher standard: Pay as you go; no new deficit spending.
Our new America will provide unlimited opportunity for future generations, not burden them with mountains of debt. In order to achieve our new America for the 21st century we must return this House to the American people.
So our first order of business is passing the toughest congressional ethics reform in history.This new Congress doesn't have two years or 200 days. Let us join together in the first 100 hours to
make this Congress the most honest and open Congress in history.One hundred hours.
This openness requires respect for every voice in the Congress. As Thomas Jefferson said, every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle.
My colleagues elected me to be speaker of the House, the entire House. Respectful of division of our founders, the expectations of our people and the great challenges that we face,
we have an obligation to reach beyond partisanship to work for all America.Let us stand together to move our country forward, seeking common ground for the common good.
We have made history. Now, let us make progress for the American people.
May God bless our work, and may God bless America."

theday.comU.S. House Approves Cut in Interest Rates on Student Loans
By Karin Crompton
The U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly today to approve a bill that would cut in half interest rates on federally subsidized student loans over the next five years.
The vote was 356-71, according to a spokesman for U.S. Rep Joe Courtney, D-2nd District.
"Today's bipartisan vote to cut the interest rate in half on federally subsidized student loans over the next five years will help make a college education more affordable and more accessible for our next generation of leaders and innovators," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said in a press release issued soon after the vote.
"At a time when college tuition continues to skyrocket, this crucial legislation will help remove some of the barriers to a higher education," Pelosi said. 
House approves lower Stafford loan rates
Legislation would cut college debt costs for low- and middle-income students who take out subsidized federal loans.By Jeanne Sahadi
January 17 2007: 5:42 PM EST
NEW YORK ( -- The House of Representatives on Wednesday voted in favor of legislation that would cut in half the fixed interest rates on need-based Stafford loans for undergraduates over five years.
The bill was introduced last week by George Miller (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee.
The College Student Relief Act of 2007 could save the average borrower an estimated $4,400 over the life of the loan, according to the Education and Labor Committee. The average student borrower with need-based loans has an average of $13,800 in debt, according to the Congressional Research Service.