Iraq Make-over for Clinton
Posted by Glenn Thrush of Newsday
The mad scientists in the basement lab of the Clinton campaign have created a brand new, anti-Bush (anti-Obama? Anti-Edwards?) Iraq position for the senator to tout, lest she be accused of being too pro-war, too anti-war, too critical, too supportive or too anything else. On first blush, Clinton’s Iraq make-over seems to raise as many questions as it answers. Here’s a rundown:
1. Create a troop "cap." A cap on the number of U.S. soldiers in Iraq as of Jan. 2, 2007. (Question: What happens if the Pentagon doesn’t go along — will Clinton agree to cut off funding? On National Public Radio this morning she said she doesn’t support Ted Kennedy’s plan to block money for the surge deployment.) Not clear if she plans to even introduce legislation on this.
2. Don’t cut off money for the Bush troop surge — but block funding for the Iraqis if they don’t try to quell the insurgency, stop sectarian violence and institute political reform. (What if they really, really try and really, really fail? Do we just ‘copter away, leaving the well-intentioned Iraqis like we did to the well-intentioned Vietnamese who cooperated with us?)
3. Wants to start pulling U.S. forces out of Baghdad now, 180 degrees from Bush’s plan to put most of the 21,500 "new" troops into the capital. (What if the United States takes greater casualties because it doesn’t have sufficient forces to hold areas?) Clinton’s core positions apparently remain the same: She’s still opposed to any end-date for U.S. involvement and believes the commander-in-chief — not Congress — should have the final word on war matters. in White House 2008