Do I care?
I believe one DU member once Ignored me, but, if I remember correctly, that member either Tombstoned, or left DU voluntarily.
I don't really care either way. It's probably more frustrating to me to ignore others than to have them ignore me. It's a habit I gained back when I was on AOL. I didn't ignore people. I provoked them into ignoring ME.
I was a bit more obnoxious in those days. I'm much calmer now. I have no real desire for negative attention.
Occasionally, I'll admit, I get a little strident. There are a few things that will set me off and I forget my resolution to be reasonable. It's never a good sign when my emotions get tied up in the debate.
I don't have problems with the block feature. I don't expect it'll be used against me any time soon. And no one can say I'm always Mr. Agreeable. I figure if someone doesn't like what I have to say about a given subject, fuck 'em.
There are certain topics I no longer address, simply because they are subjects within which any disagreement simply won't be tolerated. As these things do not affect me directly, I see no reason to invite flaming for the privilege of stating an opinion.
I don't have it in me to conform--the older I get, the less I want to indulge in group think.
It'll be interesting to watch how this newest function is used during the run-up to the primaries. I think it'll be in this debate that we'll see the most chance of abuse. Again, I don't find that I give a shit. I haven't chosen a favorite, and the ONLY potential dem candidate I don't like is Clinton. (And before anyone accuses me of being suckered by RW propaganda, think again. I don't like Hillary because she doesn't seem to stand for anything until it serves her purpose. I can't speak for anyone else, but I've had about enough of THAT shit).
Thus, I will not waste my time and energy attacking the favorite candidates of others. What the hell for? There are things I like about Edwards, Clark, Obama, Kucinich, Kerry, and Gore, in particular. And there are things I don't like about them, as far as a viable candidacy goes, at least.
I'm just sorry that the only serious female contender is someone that makes my skin crawl. As far as the primaries go, I'd vote for Hillary Duff before I'd vote for Hillary Clinton. If she gets the nod, I'll vote for Hillary, but I won't like it. I have the sneaking suspicion she's not attacking the expanded Executive powers of this administration because she's thinking she might like having some of them herself.
THAT worries me.
And I will add one more thing to this whole stream of consciousness. Let's not get so focused on the Presidential race that we forget we will have the opportunity to expand our Congressional majority as well.
The 2006 race was important. The next one will be even MORE important. And not just because we'll be electing a President. It may well set the tone for the next decade or longer.
I've said enough. If I offended anyone, I'd like to apologize. I'd like to, but I won't. Block me if you must.
It won't hurt my feelings.
I know some people have serious issues with the new Block feature. I'd say that if we all stop and consider WHY we'd want to use it, rather than doing it in a fit of pique, we'll probably avoid abusing it. Do it because you can't see any other way to stop from going off on someone and getting censured for it.
Don't make it personal.
If you're the type of person who's likely to say "Oh, that's so stupid a thing to say, I'm going to ignore you," maybe you should REALLY avoid the new function.
But it's your call.