Edited on Thu Jan-18-07 05:11 AM by Mythsaje
This Democratic Congress will face a challenge no Democratic Congress has ever before faced. Unlike the last predominately Democratic Congress, this one will stand naked before the people and have to answer to the people in a way that none before it has ever done.
The Republican Congress faced the same dilemma, but, as we all saw, didn't really care what the people thought. They found it far too easy to misdirect and misinform, and finally got caught by the people thanks to the same medium that will make the Dems more accountable than ever.
I'm talking about us. The Watchers. Within minutes of making a public statement, that news is all over the web--usually in text AND in video. The Netroots are plugged in and the internet is probably the most democratizing technology ever invented.
In short, they will have to govern with a whole lot of people looking over their shoulder.
I'd like to think they won't have it easier than the Republicans did. The freepers and their ilk usually acted like a cheering section rather than a critiquing group. "Yay, War!" And "Stand tall Mr. Bush! Kill them muslims!"
We, on the other hand, chased down evidence of their malfeasence and shared it with the rest of the world. Any misstep we made public. Frankly, I think we're better at it than the freeper types. They're not good at nuance, and not good at sourcing their material.
We are.
The Carville statement is a good example of this. Within minutes of him stealing credit from Dr. Dean's 50 State strategy, DUers were ripping him a new one, roaring out their support of Howard Dean.
I'm assuming that the Dems realize that we'll be looking over their shoulders. We'll be sending e-mails in support or opposition to what they're doing at any given time. We'll be putting video up on YouTube and cheering when they do something we like. And we will not hold back when they do something we don't.
The internet activists such as ourselves, and denizens of the new media such as Truthout, Moveon, and the like, are almost like a 5th Estate now. Citzens with our fingers on the pulse of politics, with our eyes on the doings on Capitol Hill. Citizens who are more involved than any in the whole history of politics, when you get right down to it.
It was this power that allowed us to help tumble the Republicans from power, and it will be this power that allows us to aid the Democratic Party in maintaining it. Not only the power to watch, but the power to communicate.
They'd do well to listen. We've shown our power, and I truly believe we're just getting started. We're stretching our limbs and testing our new strength. I think, as we become more comfortable in this power, others will grow to understand it and our ranks will swell. The disaffected and disenchanted who have, up until now, believed that their voice was lost in the crowd--that the wishes of the corporations and lobbyists outweighed their own--will realize to what extent we can now oversee the halls of power and make our feelings known.
Welcome to the Democratic movement of the 21st Century. It can only get stronger from here.