It seems as if virtually ALL of the senators and congressmen and women must make a trip to Baghdad's little island of safety, the Green Zone, and then return to make grand statements about 'the war' and have their pics taken with the soldiers, why?
Do we really need to go through this process, at this late stage in the disaster? What's the point? Our tax dollars pay for this, I for one don't care for all these obscenely expensive junkets.
Many of these politicians go back and forth and some have been there dozens of times, and they are highly protected, they only see the Green Zone/Haliburton complex and apparently are spared the sight of all the tortured corpses lying in the streets outside the gates.
I don't need to see a politician, of either stripe, tell me how things are going over there in Baghdad, I read the news, unlike bush. And I can see the carnage on my t.v., and president cheney hates this fact, he only wants us to see the 'good things' going on there, and to him of course that means money out the wazoo.
They go to great lengths NOT to show Americans what's really going on over there, but I know, cause I can read and I've got two good eyes still.
I get it Mr. or Mrs. Senator or Congress person, I understand that you just got back from Baghdad, and you can verify unconditionally that we need to continue/end this war, because you personally went to the Green Zone and saw for yourself. I get it, I get it.