Bush Looks At His Latest Poll Numbers
WASHINGTON - In an impromptu visit to the National Academy of Sciences, to insure that no work on embryonic stem cells was being carried out, Mr. Bush and his entourage inadvertently passed through an area that scans for brain activity. None was detected. None at all.
Noted NAS scientist Dr. Larry Finklestein was alarmed when he saw no activity on the scope. "The entire staff of the President and the President himself all passed through the brain scanner. Nada. Zip."
Dr. Finklestein pressed Mr. Bush to take a more detailed scan, and it was later confirmed that Mr. Bush is in fact for all intents and purposes, brain-dead. In a hastily called press conference, Dr. Finklestein said, "we did see brain cell movement in the autonomic system -- the parts of the brain that run the heart and breathing, but that's about it. We found no activity whatsoever in the areas of the brain that account for intelligence, empathy, associations or any evidence of learning even simple tasks such as putting on one's socks."
No one at the White House would comment on this new finding. Speaker Pelosi's office is reviewing the matter, but a spokesperson in her office stated, "the Constitution does not address what is to be done in the case of a President who has every appearance of being alive and functional, and yet have no discernible brain activity. But impeachment is still off the table."
Dr. Finklestein commented further, "we've obviously stumbled upon a gray area here. Not in Mr. Bush's brain obviously, but I mean politically. And I don't even want to say what we found in Mr. Rove's brainpan. We had to shut the computers down and reboot the entire network system after that one."
When asked what the meaning of this new information means for the country as a whole, Dr.Finklestein added, "well, I'm not sure. I mean if things can get as bad as they are with him having no brain activity, where would we be if he did? What really worries me is that it makes me wonder how many others that pursue politics might be in a similar condition."
When pressed to elaborate what he meant, he said, "we're not sure if it is inherent in all politicians generally, or if it is party specific. Its my theory that this just might be the cost of becoming a Republican. Because we've never seen anything like this with Democrats."