So this hack columnist at the local wingnut paper keeps acting like he has a 'gotcha!' on Pelosi on the first 1000 hours thing. Even after having it pointed out that it's 'legislative hours' he won't let it drop and now acts like the term was invented as a CYA for Dems after somehow 'breaking' a promise to have the agenda passed in 4 days.
He's been beating this to death on his blog at the paper: now he's repeating this non-issue in print today in the form of a cutesy 'quiz.' Oh those Republicans and their clever humor!
"Nancy Pelosi is keeping her promise to pass her agenda in the first 100 hours of Congress:
A. By counting them in "legislative hours," only 17 of which passed in the first two weeks of Congress.
B. By having Barney Frank shout down any Republican speaker.
C. By having Harry Reid hold the votes so fast that Robert Byrd doesn't have time to cast a vote. (Reid will pay for that.)
D. All of the above. " is a guy who lazily parrtoted Malkin's claim that AP invented stories about Iraqi civillian deaths and now says he has nothing to apologize or correct himself for.