The ape will deliver yet another wooden State of the Union Speech this Tuesday night, and he'll read the important sounding words that dick cheney overpaid some hack to write for w to read, and it will all be total crap, fear, fear, fear, fear, with a few grave threats thrown in for good measure.
If it were lowly, humble me, I'd say, 'Ladies and gentlemen, the state of the union is fucked'.
We are in great danger, I know it doesn't look like it on the surface, but we truly are fucked. It will take us many years to repair the damage to our government, the assholes have screwed it up royally, but we the people can and will repair the damage to the ship of state.
First we will remove all the assholes and start over with people who are NOT totally insane megalomaniacs, and we will stop this senseless slaughter that we once referred to as a war and we will bring all of our troops home to protect THIS nation.
We can work out all of our problems, but the first step is to clean house of these cockroaches once and for all. Thanks loads, and may the Great Noodley One bless America.