... and I could wake up before the 2000 election when life was good and when we were all simply wondering where this idiot * was getting his support as he was clearly not Intelligent enough nor was he internaltionally experienced enough (Turns out christian wackos provided that support and some clever vote tactics). But mostly, people were asking, "Is he smart enough?". I, and most of us knew the answer, and I was making signs stating as much. The other important question, "How would he handle our allies, Diplomacy?". Well, we all know that is going. We were respected by most countries, now we are hated by most countries, NOT GOOD! And now we are well on our way to a global catastrophe. He is clearly MAD and will happily expidite armageddon if he feels he has to(I have no doubt on this). I told my wife before 9/11 that this idiot would resort to something unspeakable in order to start some wars. He had already hinted as much. The signs were all there, it wasn't hard to see. What we know about 9/11 is just the tip of the iceberg. There will be much revealed very soon, and there will be nowhere for him to hide. The only thing he can do to stop the facts of his autrocities is ramp up wars around the world and he has some snowed and has made headway with this, but not enough support anymore. Good will prevail and they WILL be held accountable. And down the road they will find in Roves office a tattered, well marked up with tons of notes and highlights, an old copy of Orwells 1984....