>..it's all the same in the end; Somebody is trying to persuade you whether it be a lavish multi-million dollar *ad* campaign or a simple LTTE.
>It's still ultimately up to YOU to decide -- ...
That public beliefs and awareness can't be manipulated and controlled, and that money offers no extra benefit, and then to wrap it all up in some libertarian personal responsibility claptrap is a foolish if not deceptive suggestion.
Apparently you're not familiar with the "cute" astroturf term, so here's some references:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfinggood example:
http://www.newsfactor.com/perl/story/13046.htmlFollow along:
One looks at an advertisement, they know where that's coming from. There's public disclosure. That's a good thing. Ultimately, it would be for a person to decide, blaw, blaw, blaw.
When you see a poll or study with surprising results, you wonder where that's coming from. "The study was financed by Monsanto"...
Now, *I* think that's a good thing. If you don't think such disclosure makes a difference in affecting people's perception of a poll or study, the basis for making their personally responsible decision, then I'll know where you're coming from.
How can you have an "open debate" when the debaters aren't being honest?
Compare these two statements:
"I'm Joe Blow and these are my personal opinions and you wouldn't be reading this unless I really believed this..."
"I'm Joe Blow and I'm being financed by a big company specifically to write what you're about to read and wouldn't be writing this in the first place if not for my being paid for it..."
If you can't see the difference, and the effect upon ones perception (and what leads to making a decision), we can end this right here.
Open = honest.
There are tons of laws requiring lobbyists to make public disclosure. I support these laws.
If MoveOn gets the vast majority of its financing from 1-2 major corporations, then YES, they are astroturfing and YES, should be required to publicly disclose such arrangements if they're making a good living doing so.
They can continue to say what they want to. Free speech, blaw, blaw, blaw.
BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, I MUST SAY I'm uncomfortable with this provision, but I DO agree that astroturf groups should be required to be HONEST about their orientation (ie: front groups for corporations)...
I think the provision should require public disclosure if say, x amount of their funding over $X comes from fewer than x contributors...