Searching for other perspectives about yesterday's judiciary hearing, I was led to Greenwald's blog through firedoglake:
Feingold: It is a disgrace and disservice to your office and the President to have accused people on this Committee of opposing eavesdropping on terrorists.
Gonzales: I didn't have you in mind or anyone on the Committee when I referred to people who oppose eavesdropping on terrorists. Perish the thought.
Feingold: Oh, well it's nice that you didn't have us "in your mind" when making those accusations, but given that you and the President were running around the country accusing people of opposing eavesdropping on terrorists in the middle of an election, the fact that you didn't have Congressional Democrats in "mind" isn't significant. Your intent was to make people think that anyone who opposed the "TSP" did not want to eavesdrop on terrorists, even though that was false. No Democrats oppose eavesdropping on terrorists.
Gonzales: I wasn't referring to Democrats.
So, apparently, all those speeches
Bush officials and their supporters have spent the last year giving
accusing people of opposing eavesdropping on terrorists, and all the television commericals
making the same accusations throughout the months leading up to the election, were not about Democrats at all, but
were about random bloggers who are against all eavesdropping. Where? Maybe on Smirking Chimp and Democratic Underground. That is who they meant when they were talking about opposing eavesdropping on Osama bin Laden. They didn't mean Democrats in Congress. The entire campaign and all of those
accusations were directed only to the bloggers who don't want them eavesdropping at all. I don't believe I've read
any comments on DU that were against eavesdropping of enemies to this nation. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Greenwald's statement seemed quite careless to me.