Edited on Fri Jan-19-07 04:59 PM by PATRICK
for people trying to prevent this horror in principle is that the planners have fairly clear expectations for the outcome and they don't have to be pretty. Chalabi's rosy occupation picture was not the required selling point or goal of the plan, for example. The reactions are not that clear, depending on what actually happens and there are strong tendencies to play to the deed rather than the plan and thus fall right in psychological step as if they had been diverted and distracted- which is a crucial part of the real success of the plan.
If a united and harsh slapdown and spelling out of the events and reactions was done NOW as a preventive measure that would have to united with real action to make the US back down. Unfortunately the Saudis and israelis and others are playing the old games under the assumption there is something in the plan they need- which is ultimately false, but this all about being swept into the games of disaster. terrorism, dictatorship, even protecting the world's oil, WMD's are all extremely lame, yet the cards are being played to the purpose nonetheless. The pathetic game has to be crushed in whole and in part. For the assumption given to a now really desperate WH is that the same weakness and disunity exists among the rest of the world, giving the aggressor the ability to act and the initiative and some expectation of similarly controlling the results. And it has to be as lazy and grossly insufficient as the buildup to this universally detested policy no matter how badly it happens.
What they expect when the smoke clears has to have a strong likelihood of coming to pass. Crippling Shiite oil and political influence if only by traumatic chaos. Being the successful bully with no physical consequence once more. And IF anyone should "fight back" it can be spun into a self-justifying need for more violence and support of the military policy and its Bushco leaders. No matter how bad the scenario and execution(Israel's prep in Lebanon being a horrific example of success despite ugliness)Iran will be neutralized, the Saudi princes propped and grateful for their hired WH guns, ditto a misguided Israel and greed blind private oil industry. Political consequences already make lawmakers worry they cannot cope with the aftermath of a new crisis in progress still controlled by the WH.
The single reason why the plan is going forward with easy faith in its ugly viability is that the prevention actions are presumed to be the best that can be done and that after the fact they would at least be no stronger and possibly weaker for the WH having shown "strength" and touting victory or somesuch.
So the question is whether the WH will be brought down and how bad the killing will be and how. All question marks, but the first being most vital in actually preventing the absolute evil in any event. The nuke option is the jack in the box as the WH teasingly turns the handle. What would the world or our Congress really do whatever the spin? Would it basically fall back on the issue and avoid bringing the criminals to justice? They just might surprise the bad guys but it would be too late for the dead and dying. And it would not be as easy as their need to simply pull the trigger. Presto: Iran mugged.