Who'da thunk that the Chinese might respond to the Fratboy's StarWars missile rattling?
http://www.watchingamerica.com/liberation000078.shtmlHas Star Wars been revived? The missile that China launched last week in the direction of one of its aging weather satellites shook the planet from Washington to Tokyo on Friday.
At a time when China is strengthening its military arsenal, modernizing its nuclear forces and is sending men in space, the "satellite killer" landed a direct hit on the White House. In theory, this means that American military spy satellites, even those that detected the explosion, are in shooting range of the Chinese.
Gordon Johndroe, spokesman of the U.S. President's National Security Council, stated that, "The U.S. believes China's development and testing of such weapons is inconsistent with the spirit of cooperation that both countries aspire to in the civil space area." A front-page news item in the International Herald Tribune pointed out on Friday that George Bush had authorized a new space program last August, ignoring the protests of Russia and China. According to the American newspaper, the Bush Administration authorized studies into laser based, anti-satellite weapons, which would be faster and more powerful than its ancestors from the 1980s.
Is China trying to counter these plans? For one expert, again quoted by the Herald Tribune, the Chinese launch is intended to, "increase the pressure on the United States to negotiate space disarmament."