I had just sat down to eat a Hungry Man XXL Backyard BBQ meal. While it was cooling I was having a smoke, drinking Diet Mt. Dew, and thinking of how nice those beers in the fridge were going to taste later. I was also reading DU.
And then it me. Creeping along like a caterpillar at first, and then like in a cartoon a big mallet came out and smacked me on the head.
I don't care if Obama is black. Or if Hillary is a woman. Or is Wes Clark is white.
I don't care how they grew up, what stupid or smart things they did in their youth.
I care about what their plan is. It does not matter jack about the rest of things, if someone can give me a good plan that is progressive and will make this country better they got my vote.
Of course one must always consider the swing voters. I have known many over the years, repubs who voted for JFK and Dems who voted for Reagan. And then there is Ahhnold in CA. How the hell did he win? He had an electable personality that got the swingers to vote his way.
All the idealism and plans don't mean jack if people simply do not like you. Yeah, it sucks. But there is plenty of evidence for it all around us.
We are a nation based a lot around entertainment. If you don't have the Charisma and the other person does, you lose. If you both lack it things can go either way. Bill Clinton had it, and some might argue that Obama has little experience but so did Bill really in the big scheme of things.
Look at ole Dennis K here in Ohio. That guy is so progressive he makes me look like a bush boot licker. If he and Obama mated their offspring would win two terms easily. People can handle 'kooks' as they see them, as long as they got charisma.
So who then in our party has it? Sure they may not pass our progressive 100% test but then JFK probably couldn't either. But man, he had looks and charm. You either hated him or loved him, people just weren't in the middle. Swing voters we either committed for or against.
If Brad Pitt ran as a dem, he would probably win because the dems would vote party line and the swing voters would vote on charisma.
No matter who we choose most all die hard dems will vote their party. Same with repugs.
We will argue for the next year+ here on DU about which candidate is best, and even if our favorite loses we are voting the party line mostly. We will tear em all apart piece by piece until a leader is chosen.
But who will the rest of the country want to vote for? Their is no anybody but bush this time around.
We wanna win? We have to think about who others would most likely vote for. The non-Du people out there we see at work each day or at the store.
When people are looking for the next American Idol to vote for, idealism is not the first thing on their mind. Damned sad but all too true.
Each candidate has their own charisma, who has the most though?
I guess the media will decide....