Poor people come in all races places and situations.
I thought I'd remind people what giving really is .. When someone is overwhelmed , in their private life while being poor, and they find they cannot get food heat or some other necessity they are VULNERABLE. And sometimes the help offered is not enough help or the right help. So they end up going round and round and never getting secure. The thing that IRKS me about some"helpers" out there is that they are elitists . By elitist I mean they say they want to help out desperate people while they insist on controlling a person through the charitable help they claim they just gave away..
What do I mean by this..
Well, imagine you got some person with money enough to say, buy a bag of groceries for a couple who have no food..they could just bang the door and leave it, Or they could play games.
I was reading this thread.. It got me thinking when I read some responses in that thread.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=vWhen a giver puts strings on his"gift" it's not a gift. The person with money who says he wants to know how it is spent,says it because he wants to CONTROL what the people in need do with HIS money even when it is not his anymore..He isn't really giving it away than because he wants the poor person to sing for his supper. This is NOT real charity it is cherry picking elitism dressed up as charity.
True charity is just giving it away because you can spare it and someone else needs it. No strings of control, no veiled economic transactions, no singing for the supper asked for.
GIVE or don't give.Don't make giving into an economic exchange.
Don't pretend you are giving when you are demanding a 'payback'even what you say you give it free ,because that's when a gift becomes an elitist cherry picking game through charity ..More often than not the worthy person who gets your prize is based in how well the poor person conforms to your preferences and biases.
If the poor person spends it in a way that you disapprove they have not met your criteria as worthy of assistance from you,and you don't want to give to THOSE PEOPLE than admit it you are an elitist and what you are giving is not given freely because you attach a price and a preference to your "charity".
If the price of your kindness being centered upon YOUR own beliefs, what you want a poor person to DO,what you want a poor person to BE,and lastly what a poor person has to PROVE to be "worthy" of your extra stuff or cash or food It isn't all that kind anymore is it?
Rice Christian charities force poor people to pay for their help like food ,immunizations or baby formula by making desperate hungry poverty stricken people sit through sermons or videos while their stomaches growl and their children writhe in hunger or discomfort ..All so these 'christian' elitist charities can inject religion into the gift, which at that point the alleged charity giving ceases to be charity and becomes another form of economic exchange.
A poor person pays for his supper by being a captive audience,lectured by christians who are hoping to get inside his head and win a convert for jesus.The poor person is subjected to a sales pitch to pay for supper, much like the marketers who say on TV a pitch to come to this beautiful retreat weekend of fun and sun what they don't say is,so we can try to convince you to buy parcels of land in the middle of nowhere and pressure the hell out of you.
Making a person who needs or asks for help be a captive audience for a pitch be it religion or multi level marketing or forcing them to declare drug free status and how much they want a job, or declare a long humiliating list of how bad their life is going is a form of payment in humiliation or it could be demanded in attention or some other way of proving worth. By time a payment or determination of whether the poor person is WORTHY of your help,is expected,the charity you gave is not charitable anymore.
And Poor people do go through the hoops for the so called benevolent charitable givers because the charitable givers have no clue what giving away what they have to someone else in need as in charity really means.And the poor are desperate so they do go through hoops to get food or whatever they need from, the "benevolent" control freak and they feel the sting of humiliation with that hot meal.
I have had to accept charity before.
Going to a true charity I don't feel bad getting help from them because they are not about making me pay somehow for needing help they know I am stressed as it is and they ask nothing of me. They give.And I feel grateful to them. And I feel like there ARE people that are good in this world..
When it is manipulative charity I take the stuff because I am desperate I act appreciative until I get out the door. I leave hoping I NEVER have to go back to them again.And I will suffer longer without rather than go through their patronizing bullshit or religious sales pitches for what I need.
In the act of TRUE giving, one gives freely by freely I mean the giver relinquishes control over the given thing. The giver does not require a poor person give back a kind of payment or proof for the charity . Be it in paying attention to sales pitches for religion or jobs or promises of getting sober.. True charity does not put conditions on giving, it does not require the poor person to change or comply to the givers control or demands, with behavior mod ,promises to spend the money in a way the giver wants them to spend it,or some other debasing kind of humiliation.These sorts of"givers" I hate taking their help.
So if you really want to give, give it away and let it go completely out of your hands and mind ,give it away without judgments or conditions and give it and expect back NOTHING from the recipient of your gift in return.Because if you truly are giving away your help, once it leaves your hands you must recognize it is not yours anymore to control and not yours to bribe or coerce a desperate person into behaving as you would prefer.Don't use kindness as a bargaining chip.It's disgusting.
An economic exchange is not really giving..(food money for changing behavior for example). Control disguised as charity is not charitable.Bribing, poor people in exchange for food or winter gloves is like holding a dog treat up so the dog will jump for it and please his owner with his performance.
And it is disgustingly hypocritical and self deceptive on the giver's part when they do this shit.It is nothing but an attempt to control others lives through your"help" .Help and compassion is not helpful or compassionate when underneath it's kindness it wears a face of control.