President Bush has trumpeted his ability to unite individuals and groups of different opinions to a common goal. In 2000, he pointed to how well he worked with a Democrat controlled legislature in Texas when he was Governor. He has truly proved his point, he is one of the greatest uniter's of our time.
First, let's define unity. Our founding fathers, in the Constitution, defined unity as two thirds (2/3). Everyone understands that "unity" can seldom be 100%. The founding Fathers prescribed a two thirds vote for conviction (removal from office) upon impeachment. They prescribed a two thirds vote for treaties and veto overrides. I would interpret 2/3 to be unity.
Bush more than attained that number in uniting Europe AGAINST his policies in the run-up to Iraq. This Fall, when his poodle, Blair, leaves office, he will have nearly attained that all allusive unanimity in Europe. Bush has accomplished the near impossible task of uniting Sunni and Shiite Muslims AGAINST America by bumbling into an untenable War in Iraq, with no plan. Bush has united the entire Democratic Party against him (100% of elected Representatives, since Lieberman the asshole is listed as an Independent). The American public has an approval rating for Bush in the low 30's (thus, the aforementioned 2/3 defining unity). The vote in the House and Senate on his current Iraq plan is well over two thirds negative in the House (Republicans included) and approaching that number in the Senate.
On Tuesday night, Bush will unveil a "health care plan" that taxes the middle class for its hard fought employer based coverage, as income. The Business community, both large and small, have joined labor unions in near unanimity to condemn this reckless and counter-intuitive proposal. Once again, George Bush, described in recent polls as the worst President in modern time (again uniting a nation), has succeeded in uniting two groups with divergent interests, Big Business and organized labor, AGAINST him. God help us, can we survive two more years on this F*CKING NIT-WIT?