is more tightly sealed than the average car. Here's a short dissertation on the nasty stuff that may be living in your home or office HVAC system.
Fungi (molds)
Up to 200,000 species, at least 45 species known to cause illness.Fungi are plants and range from single cell organisms e.g. yeast to multicellular forms. Multicellular fungi have a body mass (mycelium) plus turbular filaments called hyphae.
In 1950's studies established a relationship between malaise, cough, shortness of breath and contaminated humidifiers, whether these are personal humidifiers or in air conditioning systems.
Bacterial contamination of humidifier systems in hospitals has been associated with post-operative wound infections.
Effects of contamination greatest in places where there is organic dust available to contaminate humidifier e.g. wood, paper, and textiles.
Illness occurs when worker returns to work after a period away from work and symptoms are those of an influenza-like illness with general malaise, cough, shortness of breath, etc. Sometimes called "Monday sickness"! Disease predominates in winter months and after air conditioning shut down.
HF is thought to be an allergic response to allergans--viable cells, spores, dead cellular material (proteins, polysaccharides).
Dead cellular material are typically less than 0.5µm and therefore capable of deep lung penetration.
Type of organisms which develop in humidifiers depend on: - nutrient content of water - pH of water - temperature of water
Also initial microbial colonies may produce waste products which become the nutrients for other organisms, which may result in a growth chain--a succession of organisms:
Contaminated humidifiers typically will have surface slime on sides.
Asthma - may be provoked both indoors and outdoors by house dust, animal proteins, fungal spores, pollens, molds etc. E.g. house dust mite (Dermatophagoides farinae (US) and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) that live in mattresses, furniture stuffing, etc. Numbers increase with increased humidity and increased temperature.
An ounce of house dust can contain 42,000 mites Each year 43 million tons of dust settle over USA: 31 million tons are natural, 12 million tons are man-made. Each body sheds about 50 million skin scales per day. Virtually every house contains dust mites. 10-15% of people have allergy to dust mites, 80% of these are allergic to feces, 20% are allergic to proteins in parts of the mite. Membrane covers the mite feces pellet and it is so strong that after 16 hours in salt water it doesn't break down. The allergy-causing potential remains for months! Mite counts normally highest in bedrooms where there is the highest dead skin counts. Each mattress contains 1-2 million mites. Each m2 material contains 1000-10,000 mites.
Actinomycetes - filamentous bacteria that resemble fungi in appearance. Heat-tolerant (grow at 55°C) thermophilic actinomycetes e.g. thermoactinomyces candidus associated with farmer's lung. Optimum growth at 25°C e.g. Streptomyces
Nevalainen et al. (1990) - studied 50 problem sites in homes, offices, schools, and day-care centers in Finland and sampled for bioaerosols. Controls were 107 sites (offices, homes, day-care centers). Results showed that
Streptomycetes - (a mesophilic actinomycetes) were present in 70% of samples from problem sites but in less than 10% of control sites. Streptomycetes also have an intense, "moldy" odor. More research needed on this because little is known about the health effects of mesophilic actinomycetes.
Respirable Particulates/Fibers
Asbestos - collective term for a variety of asbestiform materials which comprise thin, long fibers of certain minerals. Asbestos comprises 2 mineral groups: serpentine - chrysotile - layered tubes/fibers amphibole - crystalline structures 95% of asbestos use in USA is chrysotile.
Chrysotile (Greek - ("golden hair") - fibrous magnesium silicate. Fibers have higher tensile strength and are less acid resistant than other forms. Fibers are white and silky. Fibers are actually tubes of mineral. Estimated that 733,000 commercial buildings and 30,000 schools built prior to 1970 have asbestos in them. Asbestos is, or was, in a variety of products: ceiling tile, plaster, brake shoes, insulation, fire retardent, shingles, vinyl tiles, etc. Asbestos is only dangerous when fibers become airborne i.e. when product is cut, broken, drilled, sanded, abraded.
Friable asbestos is in applications such as when this was sprayed or troweled onto walls, ceilings, structural components of non-residential buildings as fire retardant or insulation around pipes.
Asbestosis - inhalation of asbestos fibers leads to a type of pneumoconiosis (asbestosis) and mesothelioma (lung cancer). Fibers remain in lungs for many years and cause fibrosis--stiffening of lungs long after exposure. Cigarette smoking aggravates asbestosis.