The politician was prepared and draped in the usual manner for Meet The Press. The lighting and background utilized was standard and audio and video were clear to the viewers.
The Clinical Symptoms and Signs were as follows:
The individual is clearly reactively depressed, showing significant deterioration from his last presentation. He manifest multiple affect changes including shallow tone of voice, virtually no enthusiasm; random eye movements; rare,forced smiles, and other somatic symptoms indicative of what has ben described by Patton (1944) and others as 'Surrender Mentality'. His answers to questions were filled with regret and he was clearly on the defensive throughout the interview. The Moderator, known for his 'softball' questions of members of the Politician's party, was unexceptional, and even then, the Politician's responses were unusually spare. There was a clear Refusal to Elaborate indicative of pernicious distraction, a sign clearly requiring future observation by the clinical staff.
The marked swelling on the Senator's left side appears to be slightly more extensive and requires further study. Retrospective Studies of former political candidates' malignancies shows an exceptional disregard for this particular case and questions need to be raised concerning the possiblity of a misdiagnosis and/or mishandling of this issue by the MSM Group with accountability placed upon the larger Centers, particularly the CNN Disease Control Group in Atlanta.
General Impression: Depression, possible emotional and/or political resignation.
Rule Out: Straight-Talk Express-ase syndrome. Condition marked by enzymatic reduction of ability to tell the truth, complicated by previous history of KeatingFive Syndrome (cf. Senate: Riegle, Cranston, DeConcini, Glenn et al.) Further studies are mandatory.