I've talked about this before and over a period of years on this board. Heck, I've even written the DNC about this. Now, if the party has an official position on something and these stupid news shows need to interview people about Dem positions, why doesn't the party have a "stable" (for want of a better word) of designated go-to people who are experts on different topics and can address them in interviews. I'm sick of seeing Begala, Carville, and Brazile as the faces of the Democratic Party. I don't think they represent us well nor are they experts on anything but spin. Right now people need to hear truth, not spin. I have no problem with elected officials being spokespersons, they need to speak to the nation to let us know what they are doing and why.
It just seems to me that the Dems could come up with a better communications system. It has improved somewhat but there needs to be some new faces and I believe that it needs to be made clear that there is a set number of people who can speak to official party positions on different issues.
Now I'm sure some poli sci person will be on this thread shortly telling me a dozen reasons why spinmeisters should be embraced and given contracts in this life and the next. I'm not interested so save your keystrokes. I'm interested in some truthmeisters.