Yglesias: Why do liberals go along with conservative efforts to demonize Democrats?
by Barry Ragin | Jan 21 2007 - 6:59pm | permalink
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Matthew Yglesias:
It's no surprise that conservatives try to turn every leading Democrat into not only an ideologically objectionable figure but a personally mock-worthy one as well. It is surprising how willing people are to internalize this stuff.
No matter who it is the Democrats nominate, that person is going to wind up mocked as obviously the wrong the choice; obviously just an absurd person who absurd primary voters picked over dozens of more appealing choices.
it seems like every time i've logged into the Chimp over the past 3 weeks, there's half a dozen active threads devoted to telling us what's wrong with whichever Democrat has just announced their candidacy. I think i've posted almost the exact same comment on threads about Hillary, Edwards, Obama, you name it. Our candidates are better than their candidates. The nation simply cannot afford a President McCain, a President Romney, a President Brownback.
I made this mistake in 1980, thinking that Jimmy Carter was simply not good enough to continue as President. He was too conservative, too corporate, too wishy-washy, whatever.
So, great, we got Ronald Reagan.
Now, of course, Jimmy Carter is a hero to what passes for the left in the US because he's willing to tell some truths about Israel and Palestine. But in 1980, he was just another candidate of one of America's two corporate parties, and as far as we were concerned, it didn't matter which one was elected.
I've learned my lesson.
atrios snarks well on this topic:
if your criticisms and general thinking about a particular candidate or politician sound eerily like something Maureen Dowd could or did write then maybe you should step back and rethink.