1. Stock market is "back" and 401Ks are doing fine.
Well, the DOW is "back", however, not adjusted for inflation, plus it's only an index of the top DOW components (which, if a company is doing badly, means they get dropped from the DOW). So, how is Americas car builders doing? Everything fine at GM and Ford? How about the rest of the manufacturing sector? (oh, that's right, we got rid of that because we could shift from industrial revolution to information technology... yeah, that's the ticket? Better and higher paying jobs... oh, we got rid of that too... what replaces it. Oh yeah, service industries and literally "McJobs". Paying minimum wage. Well, thankfully we all have houses that we sunk our life savings into (lot more savings wealth there than 401Ks)... what's that? HOUSING BUBBLE! Oh crap.
2. Unemployment is at a 25 year low.
Bullshit. There isn't any data to support that. Plus many of the chronically unemployed simply have fallen off the charts because we don't count them. And by sector, things are grim for the middle class. Good paying jobs are scarce. They had to classify making a hamburger a "manufacturing job" to keep the stats for job classification from looking really bad.
3. Oil prices are "plummeting".
Yeah, they are plummeting alright, from a speculation bubble of $70+ dollars/brl to 50+ dollars/brl, btw, $50 is 20 dollars higher than the announcement target the Saudis set after 9/11 as the "stabilization price". The real reason that oil has sunk is that oil used for heating this winter has not yet materialized in the pricing so there is a temporary oversupply. That will be fixed and soon. The world has not found another huge lake of oil somewhere that could cause supply to swell, nor has the overall demand dropped, in fact, demand is still increasing because of China and India. It's just that THIS MONTH there was a temp oil oversupply because Europe and the NE US had a very very warm winter so far (record breaking).
4. Taxes are the lowest in blah blah blah...
Our nations debt has almost doubled in the last 4 years (the real debt not the phony numbers in the budget. Almost the entire cost of the Iraq war has been "off budget". Don't believe these liars. They are bankrupting the US government (that was a GOAL of Grover Norquist). What's the value of the dollar in the world these days? How come China and our "allies" in the Gulf states are dumping their T-bills... and when they are dumping them, who is going to buy them??? Our national finances are at a crises point. So glad the upper 1 percent got their huge tax breaks! Makes the $600 a year I got seem so meaningful. :sarcasm:
5. Federal deficit is down 50 percent!
This one is just sooo funny. When * got his hands ON our government, he was given not only a balanced budget but one that was finally producing a small surplus every year. The repuke tax cut, the WOT, and lavish on budget spending for military contractors took care of that. Then there is the off budget actual war in Iraq! But they don't talk about that. The 50 percent "reduction" was a phony number from start to finish. Some funny number projections were thrown out that showed us almost 600 billion in deficit spending... so now the deficit is ONLY 300 billion and they say the deficit was cut 50 percent! Course, that is still a huge deficit, adding to an outlandish 8 trillion dollar debt and still doesn't include the cost of the war.
6. House valuations up 200 percent in the last 3.5 years?
Bullshit. There was a speculative bubble in housing that drove up prices, along with easy to get gimmick mortgages. But not 200 percent in the last few years. And that housing bubble is deflating, in some places rapidly. And those mortgages... the gimmick easy to get into ones... foreclosure is going to be a common term in the next year or so.
7. Inflation is in check.
No. this year could be the first in a long time where that isn't true anymore. The government is forced to print money and raise interest rates to attract investors to the new T-bills that must be sold to float the war machine. Those new interest rates will take the wind our of the sails of the markets and kill home mortgages but are needed to try to sell some bad paper. Welcome to inflation city.
8. No terrorist attack since 9/11.
Bullshit. Right after 9/11 there was a WMD attack within the US. It was widespread and there were casualties. And to date, no one has even been identified (except for a hapless scientist) as responsible. Not only that, but it doesn't appear that anyone is even interested in this case anymore. Like Osama bin forgotten. Of course, I happen to think this attack WAS launched by elements in our own government that wanted the Patriot Act to be passed by congress. Besides a few trumped up cases against people suckered in to being terrorists, there have been no credible attempts by islamic terrorists to even try to attack our homeland. Not because they don't want to, but because they have so many other places and other targets now. And they HAVE attacked those places. Not to mention our war in Iraq gave the jihadists 130,000 (oops make that 151,000) targets to kill. All without buying an expensive plane ticket. None of those jihadists were in Iraq before we invaded (and likely they WEREN'T JIHADISTS before we invaded). They are there now, killing Americans. The number of terror attacks around the world since 9/11 has been skyrocketing. The number of terrorists has likely increased by a large percentage as well.
9. Wow... 95 percent of the "top dogs" have been captured or killed. Yup, that's a number I can believe. Since almost every day we find out that another "number 2 or number 3" has been killed somewhere. So if you take the membership roles as of 9/11, we probably HAVE killed MORE than 95 percent (we sure seem to get a lot of number 3's). course, they have all been replaced. And we have never gotten number ONE or number TWO. Granted, number one might really be dead now. That doesn't matter, his organization is now stronger and more popular with the young men of Islam than ever before. Because of our invasion of Iraq.
10. Just as Bush foretold... HA! That's the one thing they said WOULDN'T happen. The people we were fighting in Iraq after the fall of the Saddam government (even before we got Saddam from his hidey hole)... Cheney snarled that they were all "dead enders" and "leftover Baathists" and were in their "last throes". That was some 2500 (out of 3040+) dead American soldiers ago. Now they try to re-write history and say Bush "foretold" this! That's just too funny (well it would be funny except is show just how delusional these people are). Bush had no clue. He didn't invade Iraq to fight terrorists. He invaded because Saddam was his "moby dick". And for the Oil, and for the military contracts and billions his circle of Halliburton and the like would make. It was never about WMDs, it was never about ties to 9/11 or OBL, it was never about terrorists.
There are now terrorists in Iraq. Most of them did NOT come from other places (some did). If you kill a young man's family with bombs or throw someone's uncle into a torture prison, if you kill someone's father, they will become "terrorists" and try to kill you. It's that simple.