I know it gave us all a good laugh last year (I mean, it laid him
so open to more chimp jokes), and from what I remember at the time, we weren't really sure what the hell he was talking about.
In Britain, we now have a decision to make on this subject, and an explanation or what might have been meant in the SOTU speech:
Creating hybrid human/animal embryos to help develop new treatments for disease would not be illegal in Britain but should be put to a public debate, a regulatory body said on Thursday.
The scientists want to use cow eggs and human DNA initially to create the hybrid embryo to generate stem cells which are capable of growing into an cell type.
The nucleus of the animal egg will be removed and fused with the nucleus from a human cell. It is the same technique used to create Dolly the sheep, the world's first cloned mammal.
The early embryo would be destroyed within 14 days.
http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa003&articleID=2D8A7E57E629A238F50961910DF61FE0What's the actual law, or practice, on this in the USA? I'd expect Bush would block any public funding if he possibly could; but has Congress debated or ruled on it? Is there any private work going on? Personally, I want it to go ahead. The point is that cow eggs are abundant, and so are human nuclei; so you can do a lot of research with them, saving human eggs for actual applications, or advanced research.