Edited on Wed Feb-15-06 11:27 PM by linazelle
Bush ran around like a sissy on 9/11 before he actually found the strength to stand on his two legs and act like a pRetzeldent.
Then, he played a guitar and ate Kate ala Marie Antoinette while New Orleans flooded.
So now, and in the future, we can expect to hear this from the Whitehouse's faithful newreaders: "This Whitehouse is known to be slow."
I heard this BS this morning on one of the shows. It was used to explain Cheney's delay in coming forward.
Remember this folks: this Whitehouse is slowwwww. Consistently slow, but slow. That's comforting isn't it ...:sarcasm:...to know that we can expect them to react sloooowwly? What's next? Pictures of Bush sucking on a pipe in the oval office while we are under the next attack? Sucking. Slowwwly.