Edited on Tue Feb-28-06 07:26 PM by SoCalDem
or how people were suffering in New Orleans, Mississippi and Alabama.. he didn't know when his vice president SHOT A DONOR IN THE FACE (for a long time at least)..He didn't know about a "shoot-down order" that Cheney apparently ordered on 9-11...He "didn't know" we were "addicted to oil"...He just doesn't KNOW much of anything, and has NO desire TO know because as long as the country keeps accepting his lame excuse, he'll just keep himself uninformed.
Does he not know because he wants it that way?? or is it because, as we have always feared, HE'S NOT IN CHARGE?
Playing dumb may work sometimes, but after 5 years, enough is enough. If he's not up to the job, then damnit, we need someone who IS..
Just how does one cede over control of 6 US ports to a foreign owned entity, claim that it's a "good deal", and at the same time, claim to know nothing about it?
It's all politica as usual, folks..
Look at the mileage they have gotten from this..and in the end, the deal WILL go through, money will be made by the interested parties.. Republicans who spoke out loudly at first, are being coaxed into supporting it, so they get credit both ways..
1. Standing up to the president 2. Calmly accepting a money-saving deal after being told of the "safety"
The timing is crucial here..
Why didn;t they wait another week or two until AFTER it was a done deal? Because then they could truly have done no posturing..they would have had to launch an all-out attack on their president.
The timing was perfection..
It knocked everything else off the front pages and off the talk shows.. Lots of republicans got lots of air time, proclaiming their patriotism, and how they planned to FIGHT this.. (no time to actually fight it, but it's a good sound byte)
They hastily threw in some "hearings", but a 45 day investigation into a deal that closes TOMORROW, will yield nothing, because when 45 days is up, attention will be diverted elsewhere, and these same brave republicans will be crawling back to the white house, hat in hand, expecting money from the national party so they can campaign..
They dropped this bomb when they did BECAUSE it was Dubai.. The xenophobes would be out in force and of course anyone who dared to question the "deal" would be easily labeled a bigot, so the whole issue became two-fold.. True xenophobes will still support republicans because they hate democrats MORE..any democrat who pipes up is instantly labeled a bigot, and stands to lose votes from ethnic communities..
It's a win-win for Georgie & the boyz...