Report Offers Gloomy View of Insurgencies
Escalation of Violence in Iraq, Afghanistan Cited
By William Branigin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, February 28, 2006; 4:00 PM
The Defense Intelligence Agency today presented a relatively gloomy assessment of the insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan, reporting that recent Iraqi elections appear to have contributed to rising sectarian violence and that Afghan insurgents have sharply escalated their attacks.
In written and oral testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, the DIA director, described the insurgencies in the two countries as remarkably resilient as they battle U.S.-backed governments and the military forces of U.S.-led coalitions.
"Reporting indicates sectarian violence is increasing," although the trend is hard to quantify, he said. "The elections appear to have heightened tension and polarized sectarian divides." He referred to voting in December for a new permanent parliament under the country's recently ratified constitution. A new government has yet to be formed as a result of the elections because of persistent squabbling among Iraqi factions.
Maples said that "the perception of sectarian violence is increasing" in both Sunni areas and those dominated by the Shiite Muslim majority, and that "we continue to see a rise" in attacks led by al Qaeda in Iraq against Shiites and their religious shrines.