A lot of us here know about the brilliant cartoonist Steve Benson. What I didn't know about was his Mormon background until I recently came across this article he wrote about leaving the Mormon church. I thought it was very interesting considering this is the mindset we are up against. Not your "average" churchgoer, but the true freaks that follow Bush around like he is the second coming.
Like an asteroid sucked into an encounter with Jupiter, I hurtled toward what I knew would be the final encounter between reason and religion. I was picking up speed and leaving behind an ever-increasing trail of disintegrating pieces of my faith. But unlike the asteroid that vaporized on impact, I emerged out the other side, relatively intact, suffering from some religious road rash, to be sure, but nothing fatal. I found myself loosed from the gravity of the gods, free to roam the universe in search of new adventures, new beginnings and my real self. For years, my true identity had been smothered by a Church which held its stone commandments over my head like a swatter over a fly, warning me that if I took off, I risked being flattened from above. I had tried hard to resuscitate the dying faith that had for so long ruled my life and defined my destiny, but it proved to be a losing battle.