I'm one of the first people to argue for a strong national defense and military. But, I'm noticing a trend. Maybe it is not really a new trend. Hopefully, others are noticing it, too. I'd like to think the media is doing some investigative journalism to keep our government honest.
When we hear about bombings in Iraq, do we think of bombs exploding in some place in Iraq or do we think about mostly civilians having their limbs ripped off or beyond recognizability? Is it okay, if we don't witness the gore? Is it justified, as we're doing our part for their "Democracy"? These are people like you and me - aren't they? Was their "crime" being born in the wrong country or nationality? When do we stop and sniff the napalm?
After all in the past 30 years we have been both allies and enemies of the governments of Iran and Iraq often immersed in or facilitating friction with one or the other - at times both.
Is Iraq more democratic now that Shia's and Sunni's settle old score with more killings? And who among us don't harbor resentments and friction with certain work associates, neighbors and family members? Why do we think a document or military force will settle things, when clearly humankind is often not disposed to do so?
I warned about the post invasion fumble with no exit strategy. We're already starting to hear the beat of anti-Iran rhetoric. Mind you we're not really distinguishing between the place, government or people. Is this turmoil because our footprint is creating it? Are we legitimately bringing stability to the area? Which side of the gun muzzle are you facing?
Iraq's Shia's are undeterred by borders. They might well seek Iranian assistance, but since we insist Iran (a place) is a pending nuclear threat we might have to stay in Iraq longer to keep stability in the region. Is this sounding at all familiar to anyone? Nuclear threat, threatening leadership, save their people to introduce our Democracy. Drop bombs.
Okay, are you ready for the "what if"? What if we say Iran is a nuclear threat and this is W's justification for bombings. Are you prepared to send your sons and daughters to the war zone, because the Pentagon brass has already made it clear our over-extended combat troops, many who are national guard and reserve, are near breaking.
There are insufficient numbers of fresh combat troops to continually replenish them with volunteers. Ever wonder why $580 million was allocated to the draft board that has not instituted a draft in over 30 years? Or that high school kids' names, demographics and social security numbers are sent to the Department of Defense unless a parent knows they have an opt out option.
If my military experience means anything, these will be kids from less advantaged backgrounds, which are usually the ones volunteering for military service.
Being Patriotic is also questioning the judgment of those in charge who put these youth in harm's way. Blindly following so called "leaders" who have no personal sacrifice to further man-made agendas is simply wrong. I'm not willing to bet your life on it or that of your kids and grandkids. Are you?
Carl Sheeler for US Senate www.carlsheeler.com