Dear Congress,
You made a Promise when you took office:
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States…”
That document, forged by hope and freedom and upheld by the blood of Patriots, begins with these words:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
I do not know what these words mean to you now, but I know what they mean to me, as a citizen of the United States and as one of the People you have sworn to protect.
We the People would like to see a more perfect Union, where lobbyist and the corporations they represent do not write legislation that benefits them, but where you write legislations that benefits Us, the People.
We the People would like to see Justice established, enforced by a Supreme Court that is balanced not to uphold or repeal laws for political gain in the next election, but balanced to protect the rights of Us, the People.
We the People would like to see domestic Tranquility, a tranquility free of fear. Fear of loosing our jobs to outsourcing and profit taking layoffs, fear of soaring energy and healthcare cost, free of fear that our government invades our privacy without due process and free of fear that loved ones and acquaintances will die in a war unjustly waged and not wanted now by Us, the People.
We the People would like to see a common defense of Us, the People, not the Energy Corporation’s profits. We would like to see a common defense not by costly high-tech weapons programs with enormous margins benefiting defense contractors, but by providing our fighting men and women with the armor, supplies and support they need to do the job and return home alive. When they return home, We the People would like to see that their medical and physiological needs are addressed with care, compassion and accountability.
We the People would like our general Welfare to be protected, by protecting our environment, by establishing a real energy policy promoting real alternative energy sources, by establishing real education financing reform, by protecting programs that serve the weak and needy and providing meaningful oversight to prevent their abuse, by reestablishing anti-trust, fair wage and benefit standards that benefit Us, the People.
We the People, with sadness, anger and disillusionment, do not believe you are securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. We believe you are selling us out to the highest bidder, be it the Lobbyist and their corporate masters or the Political Process itself by political maneuvering to secure your position in the next election, by doing what is politically expedient rather than what is right for Us, the People.
You made a Promise when you took office. It’s time for you to keep it.
DD March