The national day of local media protest announced last week on MediaChannel.org has received such a positive response that the organizers of United For Peace And Justice, the country’s largest anti-war coalition, decided to change the date from March 21st to March 15th. The media protest will now kickoff this years week-long “spring offensive” against the war, just before the third anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq.
Organizers were so excited about the prospect of bringing media activists and anti-war activists together, to challenge media outlets to tell the truth about the war and report on the anti-war movement, that they decided it should begin the week and not end it.
“The media helped make the war possible," charges UFPJ National Coordinator Leslie Cagan. “It’s time to call for more coverage and better coverage.”
The protests will also pay tribute to journalists and media workers killed in the line of fire, kidnapped, or jailed without charges. Most recently, on February 23rd an Al-Arabiya media team was gunned down in Iraq. We have to honor those who have lost their lives to get the story out.
MediaChannel.org is taking the lead in reaching out to media and peace groups to encourage a series of media actions on March 15th.
http://mediachannel.org/blog/node/3443Time to get my marchin shoes out!
BTW - It's tough to write a snappy post subject about a protest in March. Just try... you'll see.