The NeoCons have used 9/11 to promote mass anti-arab bigotry and to justify the killing of hundreds of thousands of Arabs to achieve their goals of U.S. global imperial dominance (PNAC).
Democrats siding with Republicans to Ban "Foreign Gov. Owned" companies to do any future
Port deals is just thinly veiled racism. Why, because they "Grandfather" existing foreign operators (who run
most U.S port terminals) and ALL major foreign Gov owned operators
ALREADY RUN US PORTS -- except for 1 company -- the Arab-owned DP World.
Are we going to join the Republicans in LIES LIES LIES?
I watched the Commerce Committe Hearing of Ports
Message to Dept. Homeland Security: Forget Facts, Get back to Political Pimping
Prominent issues: Names of Sheiks, Women in Islam, Women in Management, Israeli Boycott.
No one seems to want a real investigation of Port Security.
All information that has come out so far suggests that Dubai Ports World operation is perhaps the most technologically sophisticated and security oriented in the world with heavy investment in port terminal technology not made by other companies.
The have welcomed maximum scrutiny. But, after year of blocking Global Supply Chain standards legislation and refusing to fund container screening or Coast Guard requests, there is a “Bi-Partisan” rush to “Block” this “Arab” deal – even though DHS says the deal contains far more security elements that exist in U.S. port operations.
Can’t we see we are being played when the likes of Hannity, Gafney, Malkin, Savage, and Coulter are getting us to partner with them against our own interest.
Isn’t it obvious that rhetoric on the Dubai Ports is 90% flag-waving, Xenophobic garbage and political rabble rousing.
It is a sad spectacle to see the LA times remind our Senator that banning foreign terminal ownership would immediately terminate the California economy:
“Memo to Boxer: 13 of the 14 container terminals at the ports of L.A. and Long Beach, the biggest port complex in the U.S., are run by foreign-owned companies.”,0,6772402.story?coll=la-news-comment-editorials
We are now oblivious to the fact that the NeoCon tactics being used against the UAE now have the same stench as the propaganda against Chavez’s Venezuela.
What is most perplexing is that the “Arab Ports” deal helps Democrats, Impeaches Bush, and could sink the Republican congress, BUT the NeoCons re going to con us into killing it and saving their butts.