I actually am more hopeful for our future than I have ever been. The serious problems like Iraq, our penchant for Imperialism, health-care, social security, and campaign finance reform on the home-front now have a chance to be truly dealt with. Why do I say this? Now that many of us have learned our lesson about the false marketing using the flag and religion we can take the rose colored glasses off. The apple pie presidency is a naive notion and the honest non-politicians like Feingold and Kucinich will maybe be heard. Once you get beyond the rhetoric, the platitudes and the facade you start to look at issues. This is at least what I have been doing. (A work in progress) Taking the issues on their merits you begin to really see that we have some major problems. Taking health-care and education as two examples we have a completely uneven playing field. We would not tolerate such unfairness in sports but we look the other way in these areas because of the lack of education on our own behalf.
Clearly we need a national health-care program. The facts seem so obvious when you study the issue. Clearly the methods used to fund education are fostering the continuation of repressed opportunities for the ones who need a chance and all we are doing is stacking the deck against them and then the ignorant ridicule the oppressed while they brandish their cheesy and false form of Christianity.
Here is my point, now that the smoke is clearing the truth is being seen by many more than just myself. We have been duped and we are now looking deeper. Looking deeper at the Republican brand of conservatism is making us ill. Looking deeper at the problems and the potential solutions make us desire progress. It is this desire for progress and truth that has led me to conclude that the progressive movement is what this country now needs and I have become a fan of the ones that made a stand when it was not popular. It may not be totally popular now but the American people are starting to wake up. At least this is my hope. I hope for a better future for my children and I am scared of the people who are now in charge. I just pray that we can rid ourselves of them before they do too much more damage.